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Pred. 1712 Next

The Hieromartyr Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrenia on the island of Cyprus

The Hieromartyr Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrenia on the island of CyprusHe was chosen for his wisdom and virtue as bishop, and governed the Church of God with love and zeal. When a persecution of Christians arose in the time of the wicked Emperor Licinius, this man of God was taken before the judge and put to various tortures. When the torturer, Sabinus, urged him to deny Christ and worship pagan idols, Theodotus replied: "If you knew the goodness of my God, who, it is my hope, will by these brief tortures make me worthy of eternal life, you would wish to suffer for Him as I do!" They hammered nails into his body, and he thanked God; then, believing that the end was near, he counselled and instructed the Christians that were around him. But, by the providence of God, there came at that moment an order from the Emperor Constantine to free all Christians who had been brought to trial for the sake of Christ. Then this saint also was freed, returned thus tortured to his see in Cyrenia and lived for a further two years. He then entered into rest in the Lord whom he had served faithfully and for whom he had suffered greatly. He finished his earthly course in 302, and went to the courts of the Lord.

The Holy Martyr Troadius

He suffered for Christ as a young man. Gregory of Neocaesarea saw him in a vision, courageously enduring torture for Christ until he was murdered. And he saw his soul parting with joy from the body and hastening to heaven. St Troadius suffered and was glorified in the 3rd century.

The Four Hundred and Forty Martyrs of Lombardy in Italy

The Four Hundred and Forty Martyrs of Lombardy in ItalyMassacred in about 579, their deaths are recorded by Gregory the Dialogist. Forty of them were beheaded in one place and four hundred in another, all because they refused to eat food offered to idols, and the four hundred also because they refused to follow the custom of the Lombard pagans of dancing around a goat"s head that had been brought to the demons for sacrifice.

Our Holy Father Agathon, a great Egyptian ascetic of the 5th century

He was a contemporary of St Macarius and a disciple of St Lot. His care was to fulfill all the commandments of God. One of the brethren expressed his liking for a knife with which he had been cutting willow wands for baskets. The saint joyfully offered the knife to the brother as a gift. St Agathon also said: "I would be content to be able to take on myself the body of a leper, and give him mine." Is not that perfect love? (In the Greek Calendar, he is commemorated on Jan. 8th).

The Holy Martyr Euthalia

The Holy Martyr EuthaliaThis holy Euthalia was a Sicilian maiden and had a mother with the same name and a brother, Sermilianus. They were all pagans and unbaptised. The elder Euthalia became ill of an issue of blood. There appeared to her in a dream the holy martyrs Alphius, Philadelphus and Cyprinus (May 10th), and told her that she would be healed only if she were baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Euthalia believed in Christ, was baptised and was healed. Seeing this marvel, her daughter also was baptised. Sermilianus began to mock his mother and sister for their Christian faith, then to threaten them. The mother fled from the house in fear. Then the brother began to persecute his sister. But she was unafraid, for Christ, was dearer to her than her brother, and she said to Sermilianus: "I am a Christian, and have no fear of death." The wicked brother sent a servant to her to violate her, but when the servant assaulted St Euthalia, he was stricken blind. The evil brother saw that wonder, but his heart remained obdurate. Like Cain, he hurried after his sister, grabbed hold of her and cut off her head. Thus was the holy virgin Euthalia crowned with a wreath of eternal glory. And thus in this ecample were fulfilled the words of Christ that He was bringing a sword among men which would divide those of one blood but not those of one faith (Matt. 10:34-35)

Martyr Hesychius the Palatine of Antioch (304)

Martyr Hesychius the Palatine of Antioch (304)

St. Quintus of Phrygia, confessor and wonderworker (283)

St Arsenius the Bishop of Tver

St Arsenius the Bishop of TverSaint Arsenius, Bishop of Tver, was born at Tver, and in his early years received monastic tonsure in the Kiev Caves monastery. Even among the monks of this ancient monastery, distinguished for their piety, Arsenius was noted for his saintly life as well as for his strictness in keeping his monastic vows, his knowledge of the Church typikon, his study of Holy Scripture, and his love for work.

Martyr Andronicus and the virgin Athanasia

Martyr Andronicus and the virgin Athanasia

Sts. Barsanuphius (1459) and Sabbas (1467), abbots, of Tver

Sts. Barsanuphius (1459) and Sabbas (1467), abbots, of Tver The Monks Varsonophii and Savva of Tver' were hegumens of the Savvino Sretenie / Visitation monastery, organised in the year 1397 not far from Tver'. The Savvino monastery was known as such from the name of its founder or for the church in the name of the Monk Savva the Sanctified, and Sretensk – for the chief temple of the monastery – named for the Sretenie / Meeting of the Lord.

St. Sabbatius, monk, of Tver (1434), and his disciple St. Euphrosynus (1460)

St. Sabbatius, monk, of Tver (1434), and his disciple St. Euphrosynus (1460)The Monk Savvatii of Tver' pursued asceticism with the blessing of Sainted Arsenii, Bishop of Tver', at a distance 15 versts from Tver'. The monk Savvatii established a monastery there, known for the strictness and holiness of its rule. To it came to learn monastic activity such ascetics as the Monk Joseph of Volotsk (Comm. 9 September) and the Monk Kornilii of Komel'sk (Comm. 19 May). The chains, found in the cave where Saint Savvatii practised silence, testify to his ascetic deeds. He died not later than the year 1434.

August 1712
 Blessed Romanus, prince of Ryazan (1270)
St. Ilia the Righteous
New Hieromartyrs Simo Banjac and Milan Stojisavljevic and his son Martyr Milan of Glamoc, Serbia (1941-1945)
The Holy Martyr Marcella
Hieromartyr Apollinaris, bishop of Ravenna (75)
Holy New Martyrs of Prebilovci
New Hieromartyrs Vukosav Milanovic and Rodoljub Samardzic of Kulen Bakufa, Serbia (1941-1945)
Venerable Ignatius, monk, of Mt. Stirion
St. Ioasaph, metropolitan of Moscow (1555)
Venerable George of Mt. Athos, the Builder (1029)
Venerables Constantine and Cosmas, abbots of Kosinsk (Pskov) (13th c.)
Prince Tsotne Dadiani, the Confessor of Mingrelia (13th c.)
St Arsenius the Bishop of Ninotsminda
Martyr Elessa of Cythera
New Martyr Theodore of the Dardanelles (1690)
Nine Kherkheulidze brothers, their mother and sister, and 9,000 others, who suffered on the field of Marabde, Georgia (1625)
New Martyr Chrestos of Preveza (1668)
Martyrs Cantidius, Cantidian and Sibelius (Sobel), of Egypt
New Martyr Abbacum of Thessalonica (1628)
Holy Ten Thousand Ascetics of Thebes
Venerable Gregory, iconographer of the Kiev Caves (12th c.)
Venerable Macarius, abbot of Oredezh (1532)
Blessed Laurence, fool-for-Christ at Kaluga (1515)
New Martyrs Anastasius of Asomaton in Asia Minor and Demetrius of Lesbos (1816)
Monk-martyrs Gerontius, Serapion, Germanus, Bessarion, Michael, and Simeon of Garesja, slain by the Lekians (1851)
Venerable Abba Dorotheos of Gaza
Translation of the relics of Venerable Theodosius of the Kiev Caves (1091)
Reverence list of the Dormition Icon of the Mother of God
Holy Martyr Kristepore Guruli
St. Tbeli Abuseridze of Khikhuni, Adjara (13th c.)
St. Christodoulos the Philosopher, called the Ossetian, of Georgia (12th c.)
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Moon phases for August , 1712 (Serbia)
02 Aug 1712 New Moon
09 Aug 1712 First Quarter
16 Aug 1712 Full Moon
24 Aug 1712 Third Quarter